The Working Woman's Resource for Having and Raising Healthy Children

The rate of childhood disease is staggering and it continues to increase.  If we raise our children the same way the majority of people are, we can expect that 1 in 3 of our children will suffer from a chronic disease like  asthma, allergies, autism, diabetes, another type of autoimmune disease, obesity, cancer or a serious developmental disorder.

Why are so many children sick?  Why aren’t people-especially mothers-screaming about this??

Many women are too busy to realize that there is a problem – we want to raise awareness

Even if they realize there may be a problem, many career women don’t feel like they have the time and resources to look into the problem or break away from typical American lifestyle and child raising choices. 

Many women who suspect there might be a problem with the choices we make on behalf of our children feel helpless to do anything about it. Often they simply cross their fingers and hope chronic disease doesn’t strike their family.

Not only do our career pressures work against us, but the media does as well.

Mainsteam media and news is owned by a handful of big conglomerates.  As a result we have lost diversity in the ideas, opinions, and perspectives presented thru our biggest information sources.  Worse yet, advertising funds influence the perspective from which topics are covered.

Let's band together, lets start talking about these issues and helping each other.

Our goal is to get women talking and thinking about better ways to raise our children.  Ways that will ensure they don't become a victim of the statistics.  Our goal is to make is easy, fun and to provide information.  This is a serious subject, but let's take a lighthearted and investigatory approach.  Let's keep an open mind and see where the information, data and statistics take us.